Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

The Benefits of Regular Exercise on Mental Health

Regular exercise has been proven to boost mood and improve overall mental health. Make it a priority and see the benefits for yourself.

Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve both physical and mental health. Period. End of story. But, here is why that is and hopefully……..a little motivation to keep you moving this year. 

The benefits of physical activity are not limited to just physical wellness, but also extend to psychological well-being. Exercise can help you feel happier, less anxious and stressed, and can even improve symptoms of depression. In this article, we will explore the connection between regular exercise and mental health and why physical activity should be a priority in your daily routine.

First and foremost, exercise has been shown to release endorphins, which are the feel-good chemicals in our brain. These endorphins can help to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and improve mood. Exercise can also help to reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which has been linked to numerous mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.

Another important benefit of regular exercise is its ability to improve sleep. Many people find that they sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed after a workout. Good sleep is crucial for good mental health (see our previous blog post on sleep), as it helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and can even improve mood.

Exercise also provides an outlet for stress, anxiety, and other emotions. When we exercise, we can channel these feelings into physical activity, which can help to release pent-up energy and reduce tension. Ask anyone coming to the 5, 6 or 7pm class after a long day at work, and they can attest to this. This can be especially helpful for people who struggle with anxiety and depression, as it provides a way to cope with their emotions in a positive, healthy manner.

Finally, exercise can also have a positive impact on self-esteem and confidence. When we exercise regularly and see improvements in our physical fitness and appearance, this can lead to an increase in self-confidence and self-esteem. This can in turn improve our overall mental well-being, making us feel better about ourselves and our abilities.

Regular exercise is a powerful tool for improving mental health. By providing a way to cope with stress, anxiety, and other emotions, improving sleep and self-esteem, and releasing feel-good chemicals in the brain, exercise can help to improve our overall well-being and quality of life. So, if you haven't already, make physical activity a priority in your daily routine and start reaping the benefits of regular exercise on your mental health. To start, it can be as easy and just simply walking around the block a few times a day. 

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

Beginner's Guide to CrossFit: Start Your Fitness Journey Today

CrossFit is a popular functional fitness workout program. Despite its reputation for being challenging, CrossFit is actually beginner-friendly and can be a great way to get started on your fitness journey. In this beginner's guide, we'll go over everything you need to know to get started with CrossFit.

CrossFit is a popular functional fitness workout program. Despite its reputation for being challenging, CrossFit is actually beginner-friendly and can be a great way to get started on your fitness journey. In this beginner's guide, we'll go over everything you need to know to get started with CrossFit.

Step 1: Find a CrossFit gym

The first step to getting started with CrossFit is to find a gym. There are many CrossFit gyms out there, so take your time to find one that is right for you. Look for a gym that has experienced coaches, a supportive community, and a welcoming atmosphere. This will ensure that you have a positive experience and get the most out of your workout. If you are looking for a brand new facility with shiny new equipment and all the bells and whistles, think again. CrossFit, for the most part, has kept its mentality that you don’t need a lot of fancy machines to get a great workout. 

Step 2: Attend an intro class

Once you've found a gym, the next step is to attend an intro class, schedule an intro or join the foundations or fundamentals program. Every gym has some variation of these to welcome new members in. This is a beginner-friendly introduction to the basics of CrossFit and will help you get comfortable with the movements. It's a great opportunity to ask questions and get to know the coaches and other members. Most of these programs also require very little commitment, so you can always change your mind if it doesn’t feel right. 

Step 3: Start slow

CrossFit can be intense, so it's important to start slow. Begin with the basics and focus on proper form and technique. Gradually increase the intensity and complexity of your workout as you get stronger and more comfortable with the movements. This will help to prevent injury and ensure that you get the most out of your workout. Your coach has scaling options for you and can help along the way. Keep them in the loop of how you are doing and if you need any extra assistance, they should be more than happy to assist you. 

Step 4: Get involved with the community

CrossFit is all about community, so it's important to get involved with the people at your gym. Attend group classes, join in on social events, and get to know the other members. This will help to create a supportive and encouraging environment that will motivate you to stick with your workout. There are ways to be involved without participating too. Most gyms have challenges, competitions, and events going on all the time - and everyone needs volunteers. This is an awesome way to dip your toes in the water and see what these events are all about before jumping all in. 

CrossFit is a beginner-friendly workout program that can help you get in shape and improve your overall fitness. By following these steps and getting involved with the community, you'll be well on your way to reaching your fitness goals. So don't be intimidated by CrossFit's reputation - give it a try and see what it can do for you!

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

The Surprising Link Between Food and Mood: How Your Diet Affects Your Emotional Health

Discover the surprising link between food and mood in this informative blog post. Learn how your diet can affect your emotional health and how eating nutrient-dense foods can boost serotonin levels, reduce inflammation, and improve your mood. Find out which foods to include in your diet for optimal emotional well-being, and tips for practicing mindful eating.

Healthy eating is often touted for its ability to improve energy levels, athletic performance, weight loss and lower chronic disease risk. But did you know that what you eat can also have a big effect on your mood? The link between food and mood is getting increased attention, and it's important to understand how your food choices can affect your emotional health.

The major way that food choices turn into happiness, irritability or a whole range of emotional responses is through blood sugar regulation. When you eat, your body breaks down the food and converts some of it into glucose, which is essentially fuel that moves through your bloodstream. It's the primary energy source for your body and brain. Two hormones, insulin and glucagon, regulate the level of blood glucose that's circulating and determine what should be used and what can be stored. When your blood sugar levels get very low, it can cause you to become tired, irritable, nervous or anxious. This is why eating simple carbs that cause blood sugar levels to spike and then crash can leave you feeling hangry not long afterward.

In addition to the blood sugar impact, certain foods affect how you release serotonin, the "feel-good hormone," in your brain. Research suggests that low intake of omega-3 fatty acids is linked to depressed mood, hostility and impulsive behavior. Any of that sound familiar? Omega-3 foods like salmon, walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseed not only boost serotonin levels, but also reduce systemic inflammation.

The bacteria in your belly also plays a role in regulating emotion. Recent research has shown that the brain has a direct effect on the stomach and that the connection goes both ways. Your gut can send signals to the brain that trigger certain emotional responses, particularly in the case of stress. When you're eating a poor diet, it can trigger inflammation in the digestive system, which results in signals from gut to brain that increase cortisol, the hormone responsible for the "fight or flight" stress response. In other words, when your gut isn't happy, most likely you won't be either.

So, what are the right foods to eat to boost your emotional health as well as your physical well-being? First, it's important to focus on nutrient-dense options that provide the right balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to nourish both your body and brain.

Here are some examples of foods that can help improve your mood:

  • Omega-3 rich foods such as salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseed can boost serotonin levels and reduce inflammation.

  • Whole grains such as quinoa, oats, and brown rice provide complex carbohydrates that help regulate blood sugar levels and provide sustained energy.

  • Leafy greens such as spinach and kale are rich in folate and iron, which have been linked to improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression.

  • Berries are rich in antioxidants, which have been linked to improved cognitive function and reduced inflammation.

  • Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, and kimchi contain probiotics that can help balance the gut microbiome and improve mood.

In addition to eating the right foods, it's also important to practice mindful eating. This means paying attention to your hunger cues, savoring your food, and eating without distractions. Mindful eating can help improve your relationship with food and reduce emotional eating.

Eating a diet rich in nutrient-dense options can help improve your mood, boost your emotional health, and reduce the risk of chronic disease. So, when it comes to your food choices, try not to just focus on the physical benefits, also consider the impact it may have on your emotional well-being. Remember to eat a balanced diet, include a variety of nutrient-rich foods, and practice mindful eating. And, if you're struggling with emotional eating or other food-related issues, seek the help of a registered dietitian or counselor to help you make positive changes to your diet and emotional health. Remember that taking care of your overall well-being is important and a holistic approach is best to achieve a healthy and happy life.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

Master the CrossFit Lingo: Top 15 Terms You Need to Know

Confused by the lingo in CrossFit? Learn the top 15 terms you need to know to navigate the world of CrossFit. From WODs and AMRAPs to kettlebells and Fran, this guide has got you covered. Get ahead of the game and master the CrossFit lingo today.

CrossFit’s high-intensity workout program has become more and more popular over the past year. However, if you're new to the world of CrossFit, the terminology can be overwhelming. Some of you have probably heard your friends or friends or friends talking endlessly about their “WODs” or their “AMRAPS”, but what does it all mean?!?! To help you navigate the world of CrossFit, we've compiled a list of the top 15 CrossFit terms you should know.

  1. WOD - Workout of the Day. This is the primary workout that is prescribed for each day at a CrossFit gym.

  2. AMRAP - As Many Rounds As Possible. This term refers to a type of workout where you perform a set number of exercises for a set amount of time, with the goal of completing as many rounds as possible.

  3. EMOM - Every Minute on the Minute. This term refers to a type of workout where you perform a specific exercise at the beginning of every minute, with the goal of completing as many reps as possible.

  4. RX - As Prescribed. When a workout is completed "as prescribed," it means that the athlete completed the workout with the recommended weight and movements.

  5. Kettlebell - A type of weightlifting equipment that looks like a ball with a handle. Kettlebells are often used in CrossFit workouts for exercises such as swings and Turkish get-ups.

  6. Box Jump - A type of plyometric exercise where the athlete jumps onto a raised platform, also known as a "box".

  7. Pull-up - A bodyweight exercise that involves pulling your body up to a bar using only your upper body strength.

  8. Squat - A type of exercise that involves lowering your body as if you were sitting down in a chair, then standing back up.

  9. Deadlift - A compound exercise that involves lifting a weight from the ground to a standing position.

  10. Clean and Jerk - A weightlifting movement that involves lifting a weight from the ground to your shoulders, then pressing it overhead.

  11. Snatch - A weightlifting movement that involves lifting a weight from the ground to overhead in one motion.

  12. Fran - A benchmark workout that consists of 21-15-9 reps of thrusters and pull-ups.

  13. Murph - A benchmark workout that consists of a 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another 1-mile run.

  14. Tabata - A type of high-intensity interval training that consists of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.

  15. Metcon - Short for "metabolic conditioning," metcon is a type of workout that combines cardiovascular and strength training exercises to improve overall fitness.

By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you'll be able to better understand the workouts and communicate with other CrossFitters, even if it’s at the bar listening to them talk about their workouts.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

5 Reasons Why You're Not Seeing Results in Your Body After CrossFit and How to Fix Them

Are you frustrated with not seeing physical changes in your body after doing CrossFit? This is a common issue for many women who have been doing CrossFit for a while. Our blog post delves into the five reasons why this may be the case and offers solutions to help you see the results you want.

CrossFit’s high-intensity workouts have become increasingly popular among women. A far cry from CrossFit’s beginning, now these boutique fitness studios can be found in malls and shops everywhere. Drawn to these gyms for their community feels and amazing results, women are finding their place in CrossFit gyms. 

However, many women who have been doing CrossFit for a while may not see a physical difference in their bodies. This can be frustrating, but there are several reasons why this may be the case. Here are five reasons why you may not be seeing a physical difference in your body after doing CrossFit.

  1. Lack of consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to seeing results. If you are not consistent in your CrossFit routine, you may not see the physical changes you are looking for. Make sure you are attending classes regularly and sticking to your workout plan. This doesn’t mean attending classes every day for 6 months, create a routine of 2-3 days a week and stick with it. 

  2. Not pushing yourself hard enough: CrossFit is a high-intensity workout, and to see results, you need to push yourself to your limits. If you are not pushing yourself hard enough, you will not see the physical changes you are looking for. Make sure you are challenging yourself during every workout. This means something different for everyone. My “hard”, looks different that you “hard”. I can might push myself really well on the strength portion but never really get out of my comfort zone on the metcon. Both need to happen to see and feel the results. Work with your coach to find out what you can work on. 

  3. Not eating enough: Diet plays a huge role in seeing physical changes in your body. If you are not eating enough, your body will not have the energy it needs to push through intense workouts and repair itself afterward. Make sure you are eating enough to fuel your workouts and support muscle growth. Most women underestimate how much they need to eat in order to see changes in their physique. 

  4. Not getting enough rest: Rest and recovery is just as important as exercise. If you are not getting enough rest, your body will not have the time it needs to recover and repair itself. Make sure you are getting enough sleep each night and taking rest days when necessary. This means sleep, self care, mental and physical down time. If you haven’t checked out our blog post on sleep, check it out here. 

  5. Not tracking progress: Tracking your progress is essential for seeing physical changes in your body. If you are not keeping track of your progress, you will not know if you are making progress or if you need to make changes to your routine. Make sure you are tracking your progress by taking measurements and pictures and keeping a workout journal.

If you are not seeing a physical difference in your body after doing CrossFit, it may be due to lack of consistency, not pushing yourself hard enough, not eating enough, not getting enough rest, or not tracking your progress. By addressing these issues and making the necessary changes, you can see the physical changes you are looking for. Remember to be patient, stay consistent, and don't give up, you'll get there. And always, talk to you coach, that’s what we are here for! 

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

10 Tips for the Beginner CrossFitter

Are you looking to take your fitness to the next level? Look no further than CrossFit training at the gym. Check out these 10 tips to help you start your journey successfully.

CrossFit is a challenging and rewarding form of fitness that can help you achieve your health and fitness goals. However, as a beginner, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of CrossFit. Here are 10 must-know tips for beginner CrossFitters to help you make the most of your experience at the gym:

  1. Start with the fundamentals. Before diving into advanced workouts, take the time to learn the basic movements and techniques of CrossFit. This will ensure that you have a solid foundation to build upon. A great coach can help you navigate this.

  2. Listen to your body. CrossFit is challenging and it is important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. If you feel pain or discomfort, stop the movement and talk to your coach.

  3. Scale the workouts. CrossFit workouts are designed to be challenging, but they can also be scaled to match your current fitness level. Don't be afraid to use lighter weights or modify the movements to suit your abilities.

  4. Be patient. CrossFit is not easy, and progress takes time. Be patient with yourself and don't expect to see results overnight.

  5. Attend the fundamentals class. Many CrossFit gyms offer a fundamentals class for new members. This is a great opportunity to learn the basics of CrossFit and meet other new members. At our gym, we offer a hybrid program with personal training sessions for newcomers, or a 6-wk boot camp that is very popular.

  6. Find a gym that is the right fit. Not all CrossFit gyms are created equal, so take the time to find a gym that fits your needs and your personality. Most people will know within minutes of walking into a gym whether they have a good “feeling” or not. Trust your gut.

  7. Make friends. CrossFit is a community and it is important to surround yourself with like-minded people who will support and encourage you. Even if you don’t hang out outside of the gym, it’s nice to have that little extra accountability with knowing the people you are working out with.

  8. Take care of your body. CrossFit is demanding on the body, so make sure to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating well, and stretching.

  9. Try different types of CrossFit workouts. CrossFit has many different types of workouts, from strength training to endurance to gymnastics. Try different types to find what you like best. At Waypoint, we offer a few different programs for just this reason.

  10. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you have any questions about CrossFit, don't be afraid to ask your coach or other members. They will be happy to help you out.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to becoming a successful CrossFitter. Remember that CrossFit is a challenging but rewarding form of fitness that requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to learn and grow. With the right attitude, you can achieve your goals and improve your overall health and fitness.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

Unlock Your Potential: How Early Morning Workouts Can Improve Your Productivity and Well-being

We understand that it can be hard to fit in exercise when you have a busy schedule, but by working out before work, you can reap the benefits of improved energy, focus, and stress relief. Plus, you'll be able to tackle your workday with greater ease, making it a win-win situation. So, why not give it a try?

As busy professionals, it can be challenging to fit in regular exercise into our hectic schedules. However, working out before work can provide a host of benefits that can make our days more productive and our overall well-being better. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider hitting the gym before clocking in at the office:

  1. Increased Energy: Starting your day with a workout can give you an energy boost that can last throughout the day. The endorphins released during exercise can improve your mood and make you feel more alert, allowing you to tackle your to-do list with greater ease.

  2. Improved Focus: Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function and concentration. So, if you're someone who struggles to stay focused during long meetings or while working on complex projects, a morning workout could help.

  3. Better Time Management: By working out before work, you're setting a healthy precedent for the rest of your day. This can make it easier to say no to after-work activities that may not align with your fitness goals. Additionally, you'll be more likely to prioritize your workouts in the future.

  4. Stress Relief: Exercise is a great way to manage stress, and starting your day with a workout can help you to feel more relaxed and in control of your day.

  5. Better Sleep: Regular exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality. So, if you're someone who struggles to get a good night's rest, a morning workout could help you sleep better at night.

We understand that it can be hard to fit in exercise when you have a busy schedule, but by working out before work, you can reap the benefits of improved energy, focus, and stress relief. Plus, you'll be able to tackle your workday with greater ease, making it a win-win situation. So, why not give it a try?

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Community Regina Aldridge Community Regina Aldridge

CrossFit: Here's Why It's More Than Just A Workout

CrossFit is a high-intensity workout program that has taken the fitness world by storm for years. And for good reason - the combination of strength and cardio training, combined with the sense of community and support at CrossFit gyms, can provide a unique and effective workout experience. But CrossFit is more than just a workout - it's a lifestyle.

First and foremost, CrossFit is all about results. But, not necessarily the results you are thinking about. The programming is designed to be constantly varied, with a focus on functional movements that mimic everyday life. By pushing your limits in the gym, you'll see real-world results outside of the gym. Whether it's improving your ability to lift heavy bags of groceries or the ability to keep up with your kids on the playground, the benefits of CrossFit extend far beyond the gym. We can’t tell you the numerous stories of members who found out just how functional their training was after doing yart work pain free, or skiing for the “first time in years” - only to feel like they were 20 years old again. 

Another aspect that sets CrossFit apart from other workout programs is the sense of community. At a CrossFit gym, you'll be surrounded by like-minded people who are all working towards similar goals. The support and encouragement from your fellow athletes can be incredibly motivating, and the camaraderie developed during a workout is something that is hard to find in other programs. The community aspect of CrossFit is not just limited to the gym. Many CrossFit gyms also promote community events, such as charity workout events, running races and outdoor activities, this is to emphasize that it is more than just a workout, but a way of life and lifestyle choice.

Additionally, CrossFit is adaptable to different fitness levels, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete. The workouts can be scaled and modified to meet the needs of each individual, making it a suitable workout program for people of all ages and abilities. And with constantly varied workouts, you'll never get bored, keeping you engaged and motivated to keep coming back to the gym.

CrossFit is more than just a workout. The results, community, adaptability and constantly varied workout provide a unique and effective workout experience that can benefit people of all ages and abilities. It's about setting goals and pushing past your limits to reach them, but also about finding a sense of community and support. 

This is exactly what Waypoint Fit+Co provides. Starting our journey in 2012 in a 2-car garage, our mission is to serve the busy families of Gig Harbor and surrounding areas. We have built an inclusive and welcoming environment, with knowledgeable coaches and a supportive community. We are more than just a gym, we're a family, and we'll be with you every step of the way as you work towards your fitness goals.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

Overcoming Self-Doubt: A Guide For Women In Health and Fitness

Self-doubt is a common challenge that many women face in their health and fitness journeys. Whether you're just starting out or you've been on your journey for a while, self-doubt can be a major roadblock to achieving your goals. In this blog post, we'll explore five tips for overcoming self-doubt and becoming more confident in your health and fitness journey. From setting small, achievable goals to seeking professional help, you'll find valuable strategies for building confidence and embracing your strengths. Don't let self-doubt hold you back – read on for inspiration and guidance on your journey to a healthier and more confident lifestyle.

Self-doubt is a common challenge that many women face in their health and fitness journeys. It can be difficult to overcome negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and our abilities, especially when it comes to something as personal as our bodies and our health. However, self-doubt can be a major roadblock to achieving our health and fitness goals.

So, how can we overcome self-doubt and become more confident in our health and fitness journey? Here are a few tips:

  1. Set small, achievable goals. Rather than trying to overhaul your entire fitness routine or diet at once, start by setting small, achievable goals. This can help you build confidence in your abilities and give you a sense of accomplishment as you progress. Start with planning out 1 week, set your goal of hitting the gym twice and that’s it. Little by little, you can build up to more things, but take it one week a time to start.

  2. Focus on the present. It's natural to compare ourselves to others, but this can lead to self-doubt and negative thoughts. Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, focus on the present moment and what you can do right now to move forward. What is the one thing you can do to today to help you move closer to your goals? You read that right……..just one thing. Do that one thing. 

  3. Surround yourself with supportive people. Surrounding yourself with supportive and encouraging people can help boost your confidence and motivation. Seek out friends, family, or a support group who can offer encouragement and motivation as you work towards your goals. Get rid of try to avoid as much as possible those that aren’t supportive. They will hold you back and create doubt in your mind. 

  4. Practice self-care. Taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally, can help boost your confidence and self-esteem. This can include things like getting enough sleep, eating nourishing foods, and taking breaks to relax and recharge. I am a big fan of setting these items in my phone on timers; eating reminder, bedtime reminder, no screen time start and stop time, etc. Think of what you would do for your young child as, and do that for yourself. 

  5. Seek professional help. If self-doubt is holding you back from achieving your health and fitness goals, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a professional such as a therapist or coach. They can help you identify and work through any underlying issues and develop strategies to overcome self-doubt. 

Overcoming self-doubt is a process, and it may take time and effort to build confidence in your health and fitness journey. However, with a little patience and persistence, you can learn to embrace your strengths and embrace a healthier and more confident lifestyle. Take it one day at a time, you’ve got this! 

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

5 Things No One Will Tell You About CrossFit

CrossFit can be an effective workout program for some people, but it may not be suitable for everyone. Consider these five factors before starting a CrossFit program.

If you're considering starting a CrossFit program, you may have heard about the high-intensity workouts and the sense of community at CrossFit gyms. While these aspects of CrossFit are certainly true, there are a few things that you may not have heard about CrossFit. Here are five things no one will tell you about CrossFit:

  1. CrossFit typically costs more than a standard globo gym. While prices may vary depending on your location, CrossFit memberships are generally more expensive than a traditional gym membership. This is due to their typically small group sessions, geared more towards small group training than large group classes seen in large gyms. In addition to the monthly membership fee, you may also be required to pay for additional services such as personal training or nutrition coaching. Like most things, you get what you pay for. 

  2. CrossFit workouts can be intimidating. If you're new to CrossFit, the intensity of the workouts and the use of unfamiliar equipment may be intimidating. It's important to remember that everyone has to start somewhere and that the coaches are there to help you scale the workouts to your fitness level. When choosing a gym, make sure you find one that fits well with your needs and personality, that will ensure you the most success. 

  3. CrossFit injuries can happen. All forms of exercise carry some risk of injury, especially when weights are involved and improper coaching. It's important to listen to your body and use proper form to reduce the risk of injury. Making sure you are attending classes that are led by experienced coaches can prevent injuries. 

  4. CrossFit may not be for everyone. While CrossFit can be an effective workout program for some people, it may not be suitable for everyone. The goal is to be healthier and happier, that means finding a gym that works for you right now and finding a program that you feel good about doing and motivated to continue. 

  5. CrossFit can be addictive. You have probably seen the memes and heard people talking about “all things CrossFit.” It’s hard to explain why many people who start CrossFit become hooked on the high-intensity workouts and the sense of community at CrossFit gyms. We can only say that, you should give it a try. The community and sense of pushing yourself with a like minded group of people is empowering. Like everything though, it's important to find a balance and make sure that CrossFit fits into your overall lifestyle and goals.

CrossFit is a high-intensity workout program that can be effective for people. However, it's important to find a gym that fits your personality, meets your needs and provides great coaching. As with any form of exercise, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a CrossFit program.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

5 Benefits of Weightlifting and Powerlifting for Student Athletes

s a student athlete, you know the importance of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Weightlifting and powerlifting can be incredibly beneficial for student athletes, from increased strength and power to improved coordination and balance. Learn about the top 5 benefits of these forms of exercise and how to safely incorporate them into your training routine under the supervision of an experienced coach.

If you are reading this, you most likely are a student athlete or a parent of a student athlete and therefore know the  importance of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Not only can it help improve your performance on the field or court, but it can also have a positive impact on your overall physical and mental health. While many student athletes focus on cardio and team sports, weightlifting and powerlifting can also be incredibly beneficial for student athletes.

First, let's define the differences between weightlifting and powerlifting. Weightlifting, also known as Olympic weightlifting, involves the snatch and the clean and jerk. These lifts require a high level of technique and mobility, and they are contested in the Olympic Games. Powerlifting, on the other hand, involves the squat, bench press, and deadlift. These lifts test raw strength and are not contested in the Olympics.

So, what are the benefits of weightlifting and powerlifting for student athletes?

  1. Increased strength and power: By training with weights, you can improve your strength and power, which can translate to improved performance in your sport. For example, a stronger athlete may be able to jump higher or throw a ball further.

  2. Improved coordination and balance: Weightlifting and powerlifting exercises require precise movements and coordination, which can help improve your overall balance and coordination.

  3. Enhanced mental focus: Lifting weights requires focus and discipline, which can help improve your mental focus and concentration on the field or court.

  4. Improved body composition: While weightlifting and powerlifting can help increase muscle mass, they can also contribute to weight loss and a leaner body composition.

  5. Increased bone density: Weightlifting has been shown to increase bone density, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

All the above benefits tie in what every athlete wants, which is to stay healthy and injury free! 

But what about the safety of weightlifting and powerlifting?

When performed under the supervision of an experienced coach, weightlifting and powerlifting can be safe for student athletes. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that weightlifting can be a safe and beneficial form of exercise for children and adolescents when proper technique is emphasized and the intensity is appropriately progressed.

However, it's important to note that improper technique or overtraining can increase the risk of injury. That's why it's important for student athletes to work with a trained coach who can provide proper instruction and guidance.

Weightlifting and powerlifting can be incredibly beneficial for student athletes. From increased strength and power to improved coordination and balance, these forms of exercise can enhance performance on the field or court and have a positive impact on overall physical and mental health, keeping you injury free. When performed under the supervision of an experienced coach, weightlifting and powerlifting can be safe for student athletes.

If you are interested in our youth personal training or small group program, reach out to us at 253-432-0711.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

Improve Physical and Mental Well-Being with Group Fitness

Learn about the numerous benefits of group fitness, including motivation and accountability, a sense of community, and a greater variety of workouts. Experience the physical and mental benefits of group fitness, such as improved strength and function, reduced stress and improved mood, and social support. Join our upcoming 6-week boot camp and see how group fitness can benefit you in your fitness journey.

Group fitness can be a powerful tool for improving both your physical and mental well-being. Whether you're new to working out or an experienced athlete, there are many benefits to participating in group fitness activities.

First and foremost, group fitness provides motivation and accountability. When you're part of a group, you're more likely to show up to your workouts and give them your all. You don't want to let your teammates down, and you'll be more likely to push yourself to reach your goals when you have others supporting you.

In addition to motivation and accountability, group fitness also offers a sense of community. When you work out with others, you can form meaningful connections and friendships that can help keep you motivated and engaged in your fitness journey. It can be especially helpful to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals and values.

Group fitness can also provide a greater variety of workouts and challenges. When you work out on your own, it's easy to fall into a rut and do the same routine over and over again. But when you're part of a group, you'll have access to a wide range of workouts and challenges, which can help keep you engaged and motivated.

One of the biggest benefits of group fitness is that it can be more fun than working out on your own. When you're surrounded by others who are also working hard and pushing themselves, it can be a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. Plus, group fitness can be a great way to break up the monotony of a solo workout routine.

Last but not least, group fitness can offer social support, which is an important factor in overall well-being. When you're part of a group, you'll have a network of people who can provide encouragement, advice, and support when you need it. This can be especially helpful when you're facing challenges or setbacks on your fitness journey.

There are many benefits to participating in group fitness. If you're interested in trying out group fitness training that is fun and effective, consider signing up for our upcoming 6-week boot camp. Our boot camp program includes group fitness classes that are suitable for all ages and fitness levels, and registration includes onsite classes, at home workouts, bonus daily training, shirt and more. 

Sign up online or give us a call to learn more.Group fitness can be a powerful tool for improving both your physical and mental well-being. Whether you're new to working out or an experienced athlete, there are many benefits to participating in group fitness activities.

First and foremost, group fitness provides motivation and accountability. When you're part of a group, you're more likely to show up to your workouts and give them your all. You don't want to let your teammates down, and you'll be more likely to push yourself to reach your goals when you have others supporting you.

In addition to motivation and accountability, group fitness also offers a sense of community. When you work out with others, you can form meaningful connections and friendships that can help keep you motivated and engaged in your fitness journey. It can be especially helpful to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals and values.

Group fitness can also provide a greater variety of workouts and challenges. When you work out on your own, it's easy to fall into a rut and do the same routine over and over again. But when you're part of a group, you'll have access to a wide range of workouts and challenges, which can help keep you engaged and motivated.

One of the biggest benefits of group fitness is that it can be more fun than working out on your own. When you're surrounded by others who are also working hard and pushing themselves, it can be a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. Plus, group fitness can be a great way to break up the monotony of a solo workout routine.

Last but not least, group fitness can offer social support, which is an important factor in overall well-being. When you're part of a group, you'll have a network of people who can provide encouragement, advice, and support when you need it. This can be especially helpful when you're facing challenges or setbacks on your fitness journey.

There are many benefits to participating in group fitness. If you're interested in trying out group fitness training that is fun and effective, consider signing up for our upcoming 6-week boot camp. Our boot camp program includes group fitness classes that are suitable for all ages and fitness levels, and registration includes onsite classes, at home workouts, bonus daily training, shirt and more. 

Sign up online or give us a call to learn more.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

5 Tips for Achieving Your Health and Fitness Goals in the New Year

Are you struggling to stick to your new year's resolutions? These 3 tips can help you maintain your fitness goals and make this year the one where you finally get in shape. Find activities you enjoy, make working out a habit, and don't beat yourself up for setbacks. Follow these guidelines and you'll be on your way to better health in no time.

As we ring in the new year, many of us have made resolutions to get in shape and improve our health. However, it can be all too easy for these good intentions to fall by the wayside as the days and weeks go on. If you're struggling to stick to your fitness goals, you're not alone. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track and make this year the one where you finally achieve your health and fitness goals.

  1. Be realistic: It's important to set goals that are achievable, rather than setting yourself up for failure with unrealistic expectations. If you're just starting out, don't try to run a marathon right off the bat. Set smaller, achievable goals and work your way up. One thing we like to have our new clients do is set a smaller goal of say working out 3 times each week to start. We find that it is far less overwhelming for busy adults to manage. 

  2. Find activities you enjoy: If you hate going to the gym, it's going to be hard to stick to a workout routine. Find physical activities that you enjoy and look forward to, whether that's dancing, hiking, or playing sports. If you like group fitness, but have a hard time finding groups to fit into, try a few out. Keep the things around that you enjoy and get rid of the rest. I have talked to so many people who enjoy hiking, but yet, they haven’t hiked in 2 years. Do more of what you love! 

  3. Make it a habit: Rather than trying to fit in a workout whenever you can, make it a regular part of your routine. Choose a time of day that works for you and make it a non-negotiable part of your schedule. Non-negotiable is the key word here. If you decide you are going to workout 3 times a week, set it on your calendar and make it a priority. 

  4. Get support: It can be helpful to have a workout buddy or to join a fitness group. Having someone to hold you accountable and offer encouragement can make all the difference. This is where group fitness can also help, having a little extra accountability and support, even from strangers can help you reach your goals faster. 

  5. Don't beat yourself up: It's natural to have setbacks and days when you don't feel like working out. Don't let one missed workout derail your entire routine. Just get back on track and keep going.

By following these tips, you can set yourself up for success in reaching your health and fitness goals. Don't let another year pass without making progress towards a healthier, happier you.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

The Benefits of Strength Training for Women: Why CrossFit and Functional Fitness are Great Options

Learn about the numerous benefits of strength training for women, including improved physical strength and function, reduced stress and improved mood, and the ability to burn fat and improve body composition. Discover how CrossFit and functional fitness can be effective options for incorporating strength training into your fitness routine. Get motivated and find a sense of community with group strength training. Start reaping the benefits of strength training for women today! Gig Harbor, WA

Strength training is an important aspect of any fitness routine, and it's especially beneficial for women. Not only can it help improve physical strength and function, but it can also have a positive impact on mental well-being. And while many women may be hesitant to try strength training, for numerous reasons, it's important to remember that it's a safe and effective form of exercise for women of all ages and fitness levels.

One of the biggest benefits of strength training is its ability to improve physical strength and function. When you engage in strength training exercises, you're essentially tearing and rebuilding muscle fibers, which helps to increase muscle mass and strength. This can not only improve your physical performance, but it can also make everyday tasks easier and reduce the risk of injury.

In addition to physical benefits, strength training can also have a positive impact on mental well-being. Engaging in strength training can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. It can also improve sleep quality and cognitive function. It might sound silly to somehow you haven't tried it, but us coaches, we can tell the difference between someone walking in after they have been lifting for a month. 

CrossFit and functional fitness are great options for women who are interested in strength training. CrossFit is a high-intensity workout program that combines various elements of functional fitness, such as weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio. It's designed to improve overall fitness and prepare the body for real-life situations.

Functional fitness, on the other hand, is a type of exercise that focuses on functional movements that mimic everyday tasks, such as carrying groceries or lifting a box. The goal is to improve strength and function in movements that are applicable to real life.

Another benefit of CrossFit and functional fitness is that they're typically done in a group setting, which can provide motivation, accountability, and a sense of community. When you're part of a group, you're more likely to show up to your workouts and give them your all. You don't want to let your teammates down, and you'll be more likely to push yourself to reach your goals when you have others supporting you.

In addition to the physical and mental benefits mentioned above, strength training is also an effective way to burn fat and improve body composition. When you engage in strength training exercises, you're increasing muscle mass and strength. This can lead to an increase in metabolism, as muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue. Strength training can help increase muscle definition and improve body composition. It's important to note that strength training alone may not lead to significant weight loss, as it's only one aspect of a healthy lifestyle. However, when combined with a well-balanced diet and daily activity such as walking every day, strength training can help you achieve your weight loss and body composition goals.

In summary, strength training is a safe and effective form of exercise for women of all ages and fitness levels. It can improve physical strength and function, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem. CrossFit and functional fitness are great options for women who are interested in strength training, as they focus on functional movements and are typically done in a group setting. So why not give it a try and see how it can benefit you?

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

5 Reasons Why Group Exercise is the Key to Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Find your community through group fitness - group exercise not only provides a great workout, but it also offers the chance to form meaningful connections and friendships. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals and values, and find support and encouragement through your group fitness community.

Group exercise can be a powerful tool for improving both your physical and mental well-being. Whether you're new to working out or an experienced athlete, there are many benefits to participating in group fitness activities.

First and foremost, group exercise provides motivation and accountability. When you're part of a group, you're more likely to show up to your workouts and give them your all. You don't want to let your teammates down, and you'll be more likely to push yourself to reach your goals when you have others supporting you. Oftentimes, this can be confused with “competition”. Not the same thing, at least not in our gym. 

In addition to motivation and accountability, group exercise also offers a sense of community. When you work out with others, you can form meaningful connections and friendships that can help keep you motivated and engaged in your fitness journey. It can be especially helpful to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals and values. We hear time and time again from our members that “all their friends are here”, meaning at the gym. 

Group exercise can also provide a greater variety of workouts and challenges. When you work out on your own, it's easy to fall into a rut and do the same routine over and over again. But when you're part of a group, you'll have access to a wide range of workouts and challenges, which can help keep you engaged and motivated. We can all relate to only doing things that we like to do when we are on our own, or things that we’re comfortable doing. That’s where a group fitness program helps a lot. 

One of the biggest benefits of group exercise is that it can be more fun than working out on your own. When you're surrounded by others who are also working hard and pushing themselves, it can be a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. Plus, group exercise can be a great way to break up the monotony of a solo workout routine.

Last but not least, group exercise can offer social support, which is an important factor in overall well-being. When you're part of a group, you'll have a network of people who can provide encouragement, advice, and support when you need it. This can be especially helpful when you're facing challenges or setbacks on your fitness journey. Having a hard day at work? Most find that coming to the gym can help you feel better. 

There are many benefits to participating in group exercise. Whether you're looking for motivation, accountability, a sense of community, or just a fun and enjoyable way to work out, group fitness activities can help you reach your goals and improve your overall well-being. So why not give it a try and see how it can benefit you?

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

Boost Your Metabolism and Maintain a Healthy Weight with These 3 Simple Steps

Improve your metabolism and maintain a healthy weight with these three simple steps. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are all key to boosting metabolism and supporting weight management. Learn more about how to maintain a healthy metabolism throughout your life.

It's a common belief that metabolism naturally slows down as we age, leading many people to believe that weight gain is inevitable as we get older. However, recent studies have shown that this may not be the case. In fact, a review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2015 found that resting metabolic rate (RMR) begins to decline around the age of 20, but the decline is relatively small until the age of 60 or older. This means that there are steps we can take to improve our metabolism and maintain a healthy weight throughout our lives. That also means that we can’t blame our slowing metabolism on our aging bodies. But, there is good news, there are things you can do to help. 

Here are three simple steps that can help boost your metabolism:

  1. Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity has been shown to boost metabolism and improve weight management. Start with walking. Yes, I said walk. Go for a 20 minute walk each day. Not only will you help your increase your metabolism but it will help your mental well being as well. Next, Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise per week. In addition to traditional cardio, strength training is also a great option for increasing metabolism. When you engage in strength training, your body builds and repairs muscle tissue, which requires energy. This means that your metabolism increases as your body works to rebuild and strengthen muscle tissue. Aim for at least two strength training sessions per week to help support a healthy metabolism.

  2. Eat a balanced diet: A diet that is rich in whole, unprocessed foods and contains a variety of nutrients can help support a healthy metabolism. This includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

  3. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep has been linked to a slower metabolism and increased risk of weight gain. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to help support a healthy metabolism. If you haven’t checked out my earlier write up on women needing more sleep than men, check that out next here

By incorporating these steps into your routine, you can help improve your metabolism and maintain a healthy weight throughout your life. It's important to remember that everyone is different, so it's important to work with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

5 Tips for Staying On Track with Your Health and Fitness Goals During the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a challenging time to maintain healthy habits, but it's important to stay focused on your goals. Use these tips to avoid tempting treats and stay on track with your fitness journey. From planning ahead and practicing portion control, to staying hydrated and active, these strategies will help you make lasting changes and kick off the new year strong.

Are you ready to kick off the new year with a renewed focus on your health and fitness goals? The holiday season can be a challenging time to stay on track with healthy habits, but it's important to stay focused on your goals. Here are 5 tips to help you avoid all the tempting treats and stay on track with your fitness journey:

  1. Plan ahead: Make sure you have healthy snacks and meals available so you're not tempted to reach for unhealthy options. Pack a bag of nuts, a piece of fruit, or a protein bar to take with you when you're out and about.

  2. Practice portion control: It's okay to indulge in your favorite holiday treats, but be mindful of how much you're consuming. Use smaller plates and serve yourself smaller portions to help you stay within your calorie range.

  3. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help you feel full and satisfied, which can help prevent overindulging on sugary snacks. Make sure to keep a water bottle with you and sip on it throughout the day.

  4. Keep active: Exercise can be a great way to burn off excess calories and reduce stress during the busy holiday season. Make time for physical activity, even if it's just a short walk around the block.

  5. Stay positive: Remember that one weekend of indulging is not going to derail your progress. Don't let setbacks discourage you – just get back on track with your healthy habits as soon as you can.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to making lasting changes and starting the new year off strong. Don't let the holiday season hold you back from reaching your fitness goals – stay focused and keep moving forward!

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

Why Women Need More Sleep: Understanding the Science and Prioritizing Rest for Optimal Health

Why Women Need More Sleep: Understanding the Science and Prioritizing Rest for Optimal Health

As a society, we tend to glorify busyness and productivity, often at the expense of our own health and well-being. One area where this is particularly evident is in the amount of sleep we get. Many people, particularly women, struggle to get the recommended amount of sleep each night, and this can have serious consequences on their physical and mental health. I have personally seen this in the numerous personal nutrition clients that I work with. 

But why do women seem to need more sleep than men? Studies have shown that women have a higher need for sleep due to a number of factors, including hormonal fluctuations, stress, and multitasking.

One reason for this is that women experience hormonal fluctuations throughout their menstrual cycle, which can affect the quality and quantity of their sleep. For example, estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate during the menstrual cycle, which can lead to insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns.

In addition to hormonal fluctuations, women also tend to experience higher levels of stress and anxiety than men, which can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. This is especially true for women who are juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, such as work, family, and household management.

Finally, research has shown that women are more likely to multitask and engage in "mental work" before bed, which can make it more difficult to relax and fall asleep. Sound familiar???

So, what can women do to ensure they get enough sleep? One of the most important things is to prioritize sleep and make it a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. I like to try to get my clients to move more towards setting a bedtime alarm than needing a morning wake up alarm. This might mean setting a consistent bedtime (7-days a week), creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and making sure your sleep environment is conducive to rest. It's also important to manage stress and find healthy ways to cope with anxiety, such as through exercise, meditation, or talking to a therapist.

So, the results are in and women need more sleep than men. This is due to hormonal fluctuations, stress, and multitasking. By prioritizing sleep and finding healthy ways to manage stress, women can ensure they get the rest they need to feel their best. So, what changes can you make today to ensure  you get a better night's rest?

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Regina Aldridge Regina Aldridge

Functional Fitness: The Fun and Effective Way for Seniors to Stay Active and Healthy

Functional Fitness aka CrossFit can be an effective way for seniors to build strength and remain healthy for years to come.

As we age, it's important to stay active and healthy to maintain our strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. And while many people think of traditional forms of exercise, such as running or lifting weights, as the best way to achieve these goals, functional fitness can be an effective and enjoyable option for seniors.

Functional fitness is all about training your body to perform everyday tasks more efficiently. This type of exercise often involves using your own body weight, as well as various equipment, to perform movements that replicate real-life activities. Examples of functional fitness exercises include squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks.

One of the main benefits of functional fitness for seniors is that it can improve balance and coordination. As we age, our balance and coordination can decline, which can increase the risk of falls and injuries. Functional fitness exercises, such as standing on one leg or performing balance drills, can help improve these important skills.

Functional fitness can also help seniors build strength and mobility. Many of the exercises involved in functional fitness, such as squats and lunges, focus on strengthening the core, legs, and upper body. This can make it easier to perform everyday tasks and improve overall quality of life.

In addition to the physical benefits, functional fitness can also provide a mental and emotional boost. Exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety, so participating in a functional fitness program can help seniors feel happier and more relaxed.

Overall, functional fitness can be a great option for seniors who want to stay active and healthy. It provides a full-body workout that can improve balance, coordination, strength, and mobility, as well as provide mental and emotional benefits. So why not give functional fitness a try and see the difference it can make in your life?

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